We would like to announce that the new arXiv overlay journal Advances in
Combinatorics has published the first five papers; additional papers will
be published by the end of the year.
M. Bonamy, F. Kardoš, T. Kelly, P. Nelson, L. Postle: The structure of
binary matroids with no induced claw or Fano plane restriction
W. Cames van Batenburg, T. Huynh, G. Joret, J.-F. Raymond: A tight
Erdős-Pósa function for planar minors
D. Conlon: The Ramsey number of books
J. Corsten, L. DeBiasio, A. Lamaison, R. Lang: Upper density of
monochromatic infinite paths
Z. Dvořák, X. Hu, J.-S. Sereni: A 4-choosable graph that is not
Advances in Combinatorics is a mathematical journal that publishes
high-quality articles about combinatorial structures such as graphs,
hypergraphs, set systems, matroids, geometrical configurations, and sets of
integers, including their algorithmic aspects. We aim to be a top-level
specialist journal in combinatorics.
The journal follows a model established by the journal "Discrete Analysis"
for diamond open access. The journal has no printed copies; instead, the
journal provides links to the published versions of the articles on arXiv.
So, the journal is free to read for everybody.
Editorial board: Béla Bollobás (Cambridge), Reinhard Diestel (Hamburg),
Timothy Gowers (Cambridge), Dan Kráľ (Masaryk Uni and Warwick), Daniela
Kühn (Birmingham), James Oxley (LSU), Bruce Reed (McGill), Gábor Sárközy
(WPI), Asaf Shapira (Tel Aviv), Robin Thomas (Georgia Tech)
The financial and administrative support for the journal is provided by the
Library of Queen's University in Kingston, ON.
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