Friday, October 4, 2019

[DMANET] EuroCG 2020: 1st Call for Contributions

36th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2020)


EuroCG 2020 will be held March 16-18, 2020 at the University of
Würzburg in Germany. EuroCG is an annual workshop that combines a
strong scientific tradition with a friendly and informal atmosphere.
The workshop is a forum where established researchers and students can
meet, discuss their work, present their results, and establish
scientific collaborations. More information about the event can be
found on the following page.

Important dates

Submission Deadline: January 09, 2020
Acceptance Notification: February 13, 2020
Early Registration: February 20, 2020
Camera-ready version: February 27, 2020
EuroCG 2020: March 16-18, 2020
PhD School: March 19-20, 2020

All deadlines are 23:59 AoE

Invited speakers

Monique Teillaud, INRIA Nancy - Grand Est, LORIA
Otfried Cheong, SCALGO and KAIST
Erin Wolf Chambers, Saint Louis University

Topics of interest

Topics of interest cover all aspects of computational geometry,
including but not limited to the following:

- discrete and combinatorial geometry and topology,
- design and analysis of geometric algorithms and data structures,
- implementation and experimental evaluation of geometric algorithms,
- numerical and algebraic issues arising from implementations,
- analysis of geometric configurations,
- geometric modeling, visualization and simulation,
- combinatorial optimization,
- graph drawing,
- structural molecular biology,
- geometric puzzle analysis,
- geographic information systems,
- robotics and virtual worlds, and
- computer-aided design and manufacturing.

PhD School "Geometry and Graphs"

The workshop will be followed by a two-day PhD school on "Geometry and
Graphs" (March 19-20, 2020). The program of the PhD school will
consist of a mixture of tutorials and exercise sessions.

Best Student Presentation Award

To recognize the effort of young researchers to present their work in
a clear and elegant way, there will be a Best Student Presentation
Award voted on by the EuroCG 2020 attendees.

Travel Support

Thanks to the main sponsor, the German Science Foundation (DFG), the
organizers will be able to offer limited travel support for a small
number of participants.


We invite authors to submit extended abstracts of original research.
Submissions must be formatted in LaTeX using a supplied class file,
and not be longer than 175 lines of text. Submissions will be handled
through EasyChair.

Authors must use the LaTeX class file eurocg2020, which is based on
the LIPIcs class file. Links to the class file, as well as a
formatted example submission, can be found on the website.

The class file should automatically count all lines containing text,
excluding title and references, and excluding figures. Authors are
expected to make reasonable effort to make sure all lines that contain
text are counted: the class file should be considered an aid, and the
responsibility of correctly counting lines remains with the authors.
For more detailed information about the change to line counting,
please refer to the following page.

The main (175 line) body of your submission should be self-contained,
and provide a clear and succinct description of your results. Your
submission may include a clearly marked appendix with more details.
An appendix is not required and will only be read at the discretion of
the program committee.


EuroCG is a non-competitive forum. We will accept all submissions
which are original, correct, well-presented, non-trivial, and in
scope. For a detailed acceptance policy as used by the program
committee, please refer to the following page.


EuroCG does not have formally reviewed proceedings. A booklet of
abstracts, without ISBN, will be accessible online from the webpage
for the benefit of the community and must be regarded as a collection
of preprints rather than a formally reviewed selection of papers.
Results presented at EuroCG are expected to appear in other
conferences with formal proceedings and/or in journals. In
particular, papers that have been submitted to other formally reviewed
conferences are eligible for being presented at EuroCG, assuming they
have not been presented at a conference or published in a journal by
the time of the conference. Authors of selected papers will be
invited to submit extended versions to a special issue of the journal
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications.

Authors of accepted submissions are expected to present their work at
the conference. Failure to do so may result in removal of the
contribution from the abstract booklet and conference website.

Authors from countries where obtaining a visa for Germany is difficult
and/or time-consuming are asked to contact the PC chairs when
submitting their paper. We strongly encourage these authors to
arrange for dates at the German embassy /before/ the submission
deadline. If necessary, the PC chairs will try to speed up the review
process for the respective papers.

Program committee

Elena Arseneva, St. Petersburg State University
Michael Bekos, Universität Tübingen
Ahmad Biniaz, University of Windsor
Nicolas Bonichon, Université Bordeaux
Jean Cardinal, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Steven Chaplick (co-chair), Universität Würzburg
Olivier Devillers, INRIA Nancy
Emilio Di Giacomo, University of Perugia
Arthur van Goethem, Eindhoven University of Technology
Will Evans, University of British Columbia
Krzysztof Fleszar, University of Warsaw
Philipp Kindermann (co-chair), Universität Würzburg
Linda Kleist, TU Braunschweig
Saeed Mehrabi, Carleton University
Arnaud de Mesmay, Gipsa-Lab Grenoble
Katarzyna Paluch, University of Wroclaw
Zuzana Patáková, IST Austria
Paweł Rzążewski, Warsaw University of Technology
Chan-Su Shin, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Bettina Speckmann, Eindhoven University of Technology
Joachim Spoerhase, Aalto University
Miloš Stojaković, University of Novi Sad
Sabine Storandt, Universität Konstanz
Martin Tancer, Charles University in Prague
Geza Tóth, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Torsten Ueckerdt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Ryuhei Uehara, JAIST
Alexander Wolff (co-chair), Universität Würzburg

Local Organisation Committee

Steven Chaplick (co-chair), Universität Würzburg
Thomas van Dijk, Universität Würzburg
Philipp Kindermann (co-chair), Universität Würzburg
Jonathan Klawitter, Universität Würzburg
Myroslav Kryven, Universität Würzburg
Andre Löffler, Universität Würzburg
Alexander Wolff (co-chair), Universität Würzburg
Johannes Zink, Universität Würzburg
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