Tuesday, October 1, 2019

[DMANET] Scholarships for the participation at the 8th European Congress in Mathematics (Portoroz, 2020) - Deadline extended

We would like to inform you that the deadline to apply for a scholarship
to participate at the 8th European Congress of Mathematics
(8ECM-Portoroz, Slovenia, 5th-11th July 2020), has been extended until
October 31st 2019.

The 8ECM Scholarship covers a congress fee waiver and a two-star
accommodation in the near vicinity of the 8ECM.
We invite all interested students, Postdoc researchers and Senior
researchers to apply via the online registration form.
Advantage will be given to nationals of developing countries, as defined
by the European
Mathematical Society, low performing EU Member States and participants
from European countries neighbouring the EU.

Instructions and the details regarding the application procedure can be
found at the web site:

Please do not miss the new deadline which is October 31st 2019.

If you have any question about the 8ECM Scholarship program or the
application process,
please contact the 8ECM Organising Committee at 8ecm2020@famnit.upr.si.

Organizing Committee of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics
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