Friday, June 19, 2020

[DMANET] mpicartreorderlib for MPI Cartesian communicators and stencil computation

We are pleased to announce the release of our dynamic library
mpicartreorderlib. This library contains several algorithms for the rank
reordering functionality of the MPI_Cart_create routine for arbitrary
stencil communication patterns. The algorithms reorder the ranks, such
that the total amount of inter-node communication is reduced and are
able to handle heterogeneous hardware hierarchies. This leads to better
communication performance for neighbor all-to-all communication
patterns. If an application uses Cartesian communicators, the only
modification necessary is to set the reordering flag and link our
library before the MPI library. The user can specify via environment
variables the reordering algorithm and the stencil among other things.

The software is released under the MIT License.

Open source code:

We are glad for any comments and error reports (including bug fixes)
that you send us.

Sascha Hunold, Konrad von Kirchbach, Markus Lehr, Christian Schulz,
Jesper Larsson Träff

TU Wien, Univeristaet Wien

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