Thursday, June 25, 2020

[DMANET] Postdoc Opening in Experimental Algorithms at National University of Singapore

A one-year postdoc position (with a possibility of extension for another
year, subject to performance) in *experimental (/practical) algorithms* is
available at National University of Singapore. The broad goal of the work
is design of algorithms with rigorous theoretical guarantees whose
practical implementations can handle problems arising from real world. The
position will be jointly hosted by *Diptarka Chakraborty *( *and* *Kuldeep S. Meel (**)*. Applications are invited from
candidates who have solid background in *algorithm design/formal methods,
mathematics. *A prior experience in *programming* would be a plus.
Candidates must have completed their Ph.D. degree in computer science or
mathematics within the last 3 years (or will complete by Fall 2020). Start
date is flexible. The selected candidate will be offered competitive
salaries and benefits including generous travel funding.

The application should contain:

- A short research statement with description of research so far and
future research goals and interests,
- CV including the complete list of publications and details of two

*Application deadline:* August 15, 2020 (although applications will be
welcome even after the deadline until the position is filled).

The application and the recommendation letters should be sent
electronically to: and

*Living and working in NUS/Singapore:*

NUS is a world-class university that provides an outstanding and supportive
research environment. Its School of Computing is highly ranked (within the
top 15) among the computer science departments in the world. Singapore is a
vibrant, well-connected city with low taxes and research hub in Asia.

Thanking you,

Diptarka Chakraborty
Assistant Professor,
School of Computing,
National University of Singapore,

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* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.