Wednesday, October 14, 2020

[DMANET] Algorithms PhD positions – deadline November 1st

Starting February 1, 2021 or later, two PhD positions in the area of big data analysis algorithms are available at Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, under the supervision of Professor Lars Arge ( and/or Professor Gerth Stølting Brodal (

The positions are part of a project funded by a grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark. The overall objective of the project is to develop memory-hierarchy efficient (such as I/O-efficient or cache-oblivious) algorithms and data structures for a number of fundamental geometric data structure problems, a number of fundamental graph data problems, as well as for a number of fundamental massive terrain data and flood risk assessment problems. The project is conducted in collaboration with leading international experts at Duke University (Pankaj Agarwal), UC Irvine (Mike Goodrich), Universite Libra de Bruxelles (John Iacono) and Goethe University Frankfurt (Ulrich Meyer), as well as at Aarhus University spin-out company SCALGO.

The positions are administered through the Graduate School of Natural Sciences at Aarhus University ( and include full tuition waiver and a very competitive scholarship. Applications are welcomed from students with either a BS or an MS degree, as well as a strong background in algorithms and data structures. Students with experience within I/O-efficient algorithms, cache-oblivious algorithms, or algorithm engineering are preferred. The application deadline for the positions is November 1, 2020. Applicants should apply using the Graduate School of Natural Sciences application system (reachable from

Applicants seeking further information in regards to scientific questions are invited to contact Professor Lars Arge ( or Professor Gerth Stølting Brodal ( For other questions, please contact research group coordinator Julie Rasmussen (

For further details:

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