Dates: 6 September - 17 December 2021
Organizers: Daniel Dadush, Jesper Nederlof, Neil Olver, Laura Sanità,
László Végh
We are happy to announce a Hausdorff Trimester Program in Discrete
Optimization in the Fall of 2021 at the Hausdorff Institute for
Mathematics. Interested researchers are invited to apply as long term
participants via the website of the program:
The Hausdorff Institute provides generous support for accommodation and
local expenses (though generally not travel expenses).
We especially encourage applications from PhD students and postdoctoral
fellows. The application deadline is 28 February 2021.
Discrete optimization is an extremely active area with increasingly
deepening connections to other areas of mathematics. We aim to take
classical areas of discrete optimization in modern directions, and to
foster the use of techniques from other areas.
The trimester program comprises one introductory school covering various
topics in discrete optimization relating to the program and four
workshops with the following titles and dates:
1. Tropical geometry and the geometry of linear programming (September
(organizers: Xavier Allamigeon, Jesús de Loera, Laura Sanità, László Végh)
2. Continuous approaches to discrete optimization (October 11-15)
(organizers: Chandra Chekuri, Daniel Dadush, Yin Tat Lee, Stephen Wright)
3. Approximation and relaxation (November 15-19)
(organizers: Fabrizio Grandoni, Neil Olver, Laura Sanità, Jens Vygen)
4. Parametrized complexity and discrete optimization (December 6-10)
(organizers: Parinya Chalermsook, Friedrich Eisenbrand, Fedor Fomin,
Jesper Nederlof)
We are optimistic that we will have a research program with full
possibilities for physical presence in September, but if needed, we also
do have the facilities to consider hybrid options for parts of the program.
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