Monday, December 14, 2020

[DMANET] OJMO: first volume online

Dear all,

As some of you may be aware, at the end of 2019 we founded the Open
Journal of Mathematical Optimization (OJMO), an open access journal
created by mathematical optimizers for mathematical optimizers.

The purpose of OJMO is to publish high-quality papers free of charge,
meaning that neither the authors nor the readers have to pay to access
its content, thanks to the support of the Mersenne center. Since our
founding, we have received more than twenty high-quality papers and the
first volume has already been published online

We are putting out the call for more submissions.  We are looking for
papers in discrete optimization and other areas of optimization,
including methodology, applications, and software implementations as
well as interface with other fields.

Don't hesitate to submit your work!

Michael Poss
on behalf of the board of OJMO

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