We have a short-term position (Nov-Dec 2021) at the Barcelona School of Economics. Such a position could be a good filler between, e.g., a PhD and a Post-doc starting next year. Both full-time and part-time is possible. Both in presence (Barcelona, Spain) and remote work is possible.
Link: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/697316
For any info do not hesitate to write to: alberto.santini@bse.eu
We are looking for a Research Assistant with relevant experience in developing optimisation algorithms. The candidate will work on integrating public transport vehicles in last-mile delivery, i.e., can we transport parcels on urban buses/trams/metro trains? How many of them? What are the disadvantages? How much carbon emissions can we save? Can we still guarantee on-time delivery? These are some of the research questions we tackle.
Skills and abilities:
Demonstrated ability to produce correct, fast and maintainable code in a programming language of their choice (some preference is given to previous experience with C or C++). Please include in your application a link to publicly available code (e.g., a Github profile).
Familiarity with the operational research literature and, in particular, literature on routing problems. Documented previous experience in developing a (meta-)heuristic optimisation algorithm. Publications in the field of operational research, combinatorial optimisation, or similar.
Application process:
Interested candidates should send an email to research@bse.eu with the subject SO2021-10 Research Assistant.
It has to include one single file named SO2021-04 RA Lastname_Firstname.
The file should have:
* 1 page explaining the research interests of the candidate, how he/she meets the specific requirements of the job position, and if he/she has a Spanish working permit. This page is welcome to include a link to sample code written by the candidate (in the past, or for the specific purpose of this application) in a programming language of choice.
* A Curriculum Vitae.
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