Wednesday, March 1, 2023

[DMANET] Registration & call for posters: Women in Algebra and Combinatorics Apr 28-30 Meeting Albany, NY

Dear Colleagues,

This is an update for

April 28-30, 2023; Univ. at Albany (SUNY) campus
Women in Algebra and Combinatorics. Northeast Conference Celebrating
the Association for Women in Mathematics: 50 Years and Counting,

Requests for funding, and poster proposals due April 14, please register
by then too.


Conference Website:

Poster Proposals:


A tribute to Georgia Benkart will be given by Michael Lau, University of Laval.
Katrina D. Barron, University of Notre Dame.
Hara Charalambous, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Vyjayanthi Chari, University of California Riverside.
Linda Chen, Swathmore College
Laura Colmenarejo, North Carolina State University.
Chiara Damiolini, University of Pennsylvania.
Rebecca Goldin, George Mason University.
Seoyoung Kim, Georg-August Universit"at G"ottingen.
Haydee Lindo, Harvey Mudd College
Jennifer Morse, University of Virginia.
Rosa Orellana, Dartmouth College.
Colleen Robichaux, UCLA.
Anne Schilling, University of California Davis.
Julianna Tymoczko, Smith College.
Anna Weigandt, MIT.
Weihong Xu, Virginia Tech

We applied for NSF funding, which includes travel support for the poster presenters, and we will keep you updated about it.

With best regards, and have a good semester!
Seth Chaiken, Laura Colmenarejo, Cristian Lenart, Antun Milas,
Karin Reinhold, Lauren Rose, Changlong Zhong

The Department of Mathematics at the State University of New York at Albany,
in cooperation with the Association for Women in Mathematics,

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