We are happy to announce the "*12th PhD Summer School in Discrete
Mathematics*" to be held in Koper, Slovenia, September 7th -- September
13th, 2025.
The summer school consist of two courses:
1. *A short course in spectral graph theory and distance-regular graphs*
Lecturer: *Sebastian Cioaba*, University of Delaware, USA.
2. *Container method in combinatorics*
Lecturer: *Rajko Nenadov*, University of Auckland, New Zealand
There will also be a session of invited talks.
*Confirmed invited speakers* are:
*Aida Abiad*, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
*Bence Csajbok*, ELTE Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
*Miguel Angel Fiol*, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
*Daniel Kral*, Leipzig University, Germany
Students will have the opportunity to present their research. Those giving
a talk at the summer school will automatically be considered for the *Best
Student Talk Award*.
The registration form and further details are available at:
Please feel free to forward this message to your colleagues and students.
For further questions please contact sygn@upr.si.
Best regards,
Scientific Committee:
Ademir Hujdurovic, Klavdija Kutnar, Aleksander Malnic, Dragan Marusic,
Stefko Miklavic, Primoz Sparl
Organizing Committee:
Bostjan Frelih, Ademir Hujdurovic, Giusy Monzillo, Safet Penjic, Rok Pozar
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