Wednesday, March 12, 2025

[DMANET] Save the date and call for papers: COMSOC-2025 on September 17-19, 2025, at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria

We are pleased to announce the 10th international workshop on
Computational Social Choice, taking place September 17-19, 2025, at the
TU Vienna, Vienna, Austria.



Computational Social Choice (COMSOC) is an interdisciplinary domain that
addresses both classical and computational challenges related to social
choice and collective decision-making. The COMSOC Workshop
( is an international event that
welcomes not only researchers and professionals but also students,
newcomers, and individuals interested in the fields of Economics,
Political & Social Sciences, and Computer Science. Our goal is to create
a platform for both seasoned experts and those new to the field to
engage in meaningful discussions on the role of social choice and
collective decision-making, and to explore how these concepts extend
beyond political elections and into everyday life.

*Paper submission*

Submissions of papers describing original, under review, or recently
published work on all aspects of computational social choice are
invited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
computational issues that arise in the analysis of:
• Voting and collective decision-making
• Axiomatic properties
• Manipulation, control, and bribery
• Voting equilibria and dynamics
• Delegation, proxy voting, and liquid democracy
• Participatory budgeting
• Preference representation and elicitation
• Opinion diffusion and aggregation on social networks
• Peer Evaluation
• Judgement aggregation, belief aggregation, and epistemic voting
• Fair division, allocation, and matching
• Coalition formation
• Recommendation systems

*Plenary speakers*

• Moon Duchin (Cornell University)
• Kurt Mehlhorn (Saarland University)
• Axel Ockenfels (University of Cologne)

*Important dates*

• Submission open: April 7
• Full paper submission deadline: May 8
• Author notification: July 15
• Early registration deadline: August 15
• Workshop dates: September 17-19


Jiehua Chen

Technische Universität Wien
Institute of Logic and Computation
Favoritenstraße 9-11, E192-01, Stiege 2, 4. Stock
A-1040 Wien

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