Tuesday, March 11, 2025

[DMANET] Three Year Fixed Term Position in Computer Science at Durham University

The Department of Computer Science at Durham University seeks to appoint a talented individual to the role of Career Development Fellow in Computer Science.

Career Development Fellowships are three-year fixed term positions, which include structured development support for early career academics to deliver outstanding education, innovative research & scholarship, and to engage in citizenship activities.

The post-holder will be a full academic member of the Department and will work alongside world-class colleagues, with the support of a designated mentor.

The Department welcomes applications from whose research and education interests are in the broad field of Computer Science and align well with our current strengths which includes the research group Algorithms and Complexity in Durham whose members work on a broad range of topics in Theoretical Computer Science including computational complexity, proof complexity, descriptive complexity, graph theory, exact algorithms, randomised algorithms, approximation algorithms, parameterized algorithms, finite model theory, constraint satisfaction, interconnection networks, universal algebra and mathematical logic.

Please contact matthew.johnson2@durham.ac.uk for informal inquiries or apply via https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DME725/career-development-fellowships

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