Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium
(Formerly Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures)
August 5 - August 7, 2019
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
The Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium - WADS, which
alternates with the Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm
Theory, is intended as a forum for researchers in the area of design and
analysis of algorithms and data structures. We invite submissions of papers
presenting original research on the theory and application of algorithms
and data structures in all areas, including combinatorics, computational
geometry, databases, graphics, parallel and distributed computing.
Contributors are invited to submit a full paper, 12 pages
Springer format including title, abstract plus up to 2 pages references and
appendix. A longer appendix, beyond that, may be added, and may be read, at
the reviewers' discretion (it will not appear in the proceedings). Please
format your paper in the Springer Lecture Notes style according to the LNCS
Author Instruction (
and submit it via the online submission system ( Submissions
must arrive on or before Feb 20, 2019, 11:59 p.m. PST (UTC -8). Authors
will be notified of acceptance or rejection by April 13, 2015. Proceedings
will be published in the Springer Verlag Series Lecture Notes in Computer
Science. The final versions of accepted papers must arrive in camera-ready
form before May 6, 2015 to ensure the availability of the proceedings at
the conference.
Invited Speakers:
David Eppstein, U. of California, Irvine
Rasmus Pagh, IT U. of Copenhagen
Robert Tarjan, Princeton U. & Intertrust Technologies Corp.
Conference Chair and Local Arrangements Chairs:
Mohammad R. Salavatipour and Zachary Friggstad (U. of Alberta)
Program Committee:
Zachary Friggstad, Jörg-Rüdiger Sack, and Mohammad R. Salavatipour
Committee Members:
Jaroslaw Byrka, University of Wrocław, Poland
Amit Chakrabarti, Dartmouth College, USA
Khaled Elbassioni, Masdar Institute, Khalifa University, UAE
Feodor Dragan, Kent State University, USA
Andreas Emil Feldmann, Charles University, Czechia
Dimitris Fotakis, Yahoo Research, NY, USA, and National Technical
University of Athens, Greece
Martin Groß, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Martin Hoefer, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Takehiro Ito, Tohoku University, Japan
Michael Kerber, TU Graz, Austria
Christian Knauer, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Euiwoong Lee, New York University, USA
Dániel Marx, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Arnaud de Mesmay, CNRS, Gipsa-Lab, France
Bojan Mohar, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Wolfgang Mulzer, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Amir Nayyeri, Oregon State University, USA
Alantha Newman, Institute Polytechnique de Grenoble, France
Sang-il Oum, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
Dömötör Pálvölgyi, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Richard Peng, Georgia Tech, USA
Marcin Pilipczuk, University of Warsaw, Poland
Günter Rote, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Kunihiko Sadakane, University of Tokyo, Japan
László Végh, London School of Economics, England
Kasturi Varadarajan, University of Iowa, USA
Anke van Zulyen, College of William & Mary, USA
Justin Ward, Queen Mary University of London, England
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