Thursday, June 3, 2021

[DMANET] WINE 2021 - Call for Papers

WINE 2021: The 17th Conference on Web and Internet Economics
December 14-17, 2021
Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany

Over the past two decades, researchers in theoretical computer science,
artificial intelligence, operations research, and economics have joined
forces to understand the interplay of incentives and computation. These
issues are of particular importance in the Web and the Internet that
enable the interaction of large and diverse populations. The Conference
on Web and Internet Economics (WINE) is an interdisciplinary forum for
the exchange of ideas and results on incentives and computation arising
from these various fields. WINE 2021 continues the successful tradition
of the Conference on Web and Internet Economics (named Workshop on
Internet & Network Economics until 2013), which was held annually from
2005 to present.

The program will feature invited talks, tutorials, paper presentations,
and a poster session. All paper submissions will be peer-reviewed and
evaluated on the basis of the quality of their contribution,
originality, soundness, and significance. Submissions are invited in,
but not limited to, the following topics:

- Algorithmic Game Theory
- Algorithmic Mechanism Design
- Auction Algorithms and Analysis
- Computational Advertising
- Computational Aspects of Equilibria
- Computational Social Choice
- Learning in Markets and Mechanism Design
- Learning under Strategic Behavior
- Coalitions, Coordination, and Collective Action
- Economic Aspects of Security and Privacy
- Economic Aspects of Distributed Computing and Cryptocurrencies
- Econometrics, ML, and Data Science
- Behavioral Economics and Behavioral Modeling
- Fairness and Trust in Games and Markets
- Price Differentiation and Price Dynamics
- Revenue Management
- Social Networks and Network Games

Authors of the accepted papers will have a choice to attend the
conference virtually.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: July 12, 2021, 11:59pm Pacific Time

Author notification: September (exact date TBA)

Submission Format

Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts presenting original
research on any of the research fields related to WINE 2021.

An extended abstract submitted to WINE 2021 should start with the title
of the paper, each author's name, affiliation and e-mail address,
followed by a one-paragraph summary of the results to be presented. This
should then be followed by a technical exposition of the main ideas and
techniques used to achieve these results, including motivation and a
clear comparison with related work.

The extended abstract should not exceed 18 single-spaced pages
(excluding references) using reasonable margins (at least one-inch
margins all around) and at least 11-point font. If the authors believe
that more details are essential to substantiate the claims of the paper,
they may include a clearly marked appendix (with no space limit) that
will be read at the discretion of the Program Committee. It is strongly
recommended that submissions adhere to the specified format and length.
Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected immediately. The
above specifications are meant to provide more freedom to the authors at
the time of submission. Note that accepted papers will be allocated 18
pages (including references) in the LNCS format in the proceedings (see

The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag
in the ARCoSS/LNCS series, and will be available for distribution at the
conference. Accepted papers will be allocated 18 pages total in the LNCS
format in the proceedings. Submissions are encouraged, though not
required, to follow the LNCS format. More information about the LNCS
format can be found on the author instructions page of Springer-Verlag.

Best Paper Award

The program committee will decide upon a best paper award and a best
student paper award.

Important Notice

To accommodate the publishing traditions of different fields, authors of
accepted papers can ask that only a one-page abstract of the paper
appear in the proceedings, along with a URL pointing to the full paper.
The authors should guarantee the link to be reliable for at least two
years. This option is available to accommodate subsequent publication in
journals that would not consider results that have been published in
preliminary form in conference proceedings. Such papers must be
submitted and formatted just like papers submitted for full-text

Simultaneous submission of results to another conference with published
proceedings is not allowed. Results previously published or presented at
another archival conference prior to WINE 2021, or published (or
accepted for publication) at a journal prior to the submission deadline
of WINE 2021, will not be considered. Simultaneous submission of results
to a journal is allowed only if the authors intend to publish the paper
as a one-page abstract in WINE 2021. Papers that are accepted and appear
as a one-page abstract can be subsequently submitted for publication in
a journal but may not be submitted to any other conference that has a
published proceeding.

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* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.