Monday, May 22, 2023

[DMANET] Doctoral Researcher in Optimisation at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

The System Analysis Laboratory in the Department of Mathematics and
Systems Analysis is looking for a candidate to develop research in the
area of discrete optimization under the supervision of Dr. Philine
Schiewe, with specific emphasis on combinatorial and network
optimisation. Areas of application are public transport and urban
planning problems; however, they can be agreed upon according to the
candidate background and research interests.

Dr. Schiewe's research group is focused on developing models and methods
for optimization problems related to sustainable mobility and urban
planning. Especially integrated approaches to sequential problems are
developed and analysed. Thus, exact approaches for special problem
classes are developed and used to build specialized heuristics.
Additionally, the value and costs of game theoretic approaches compared
to socially optimal optimization approaches are considered.

More information can be found at

The application deadline is 31.5.2023.
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