Wednesday, July 26, 2023

[DMANET] International Conference on Constraint Programming (CP 2023): Call for Participation

[Apologies for multiple postings]


Twenty-Ninth Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
CP 2023 (

August 27-31, 2023, Toronto, Canada

CP is the premier international event for presenting research in all aspects of computing with constraints, including, but not restricted to: theory, algorithms, environments, languages, models, systems, and applications. CP 2023<> will be held in-person in Toronto at the University of Toronto St. George campus (Downtown)<>, August 27-31, 2023.

The CP 2023 program will include presentations of high-quality scientific papers on constraints technology. In addition to the main conference program, CP 2023 will feature 4 specialised tracks covering important topics in Constraints:

* Applications
* CP and Machine Learning
* CP and Operations Research
* Trustworthy Decision-Making

Please refer to our website for a list of accepted papers<>.

On the first day of the conference (Sunday August 27th, 2023), we will host a day of workshops<> and the CP Doctoral Program<>.

* The 22nd workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation (ModRef 2023)<>. Organisers: Peter Nightingale (chair), Christopher Stone (chair).
* The 6th Workshop on Progress Towards the Holy Grail (PTHG-23)<>. Organisers: Eugene Freuder (chair), Christian Bessiere, Tias Guns, Ian Miguel, Michela Milano, Helmut Simonis.
* Workshop on Optimization for Sports (Opt4Sports2023)<>. Organisers: David Bergman, Jeff Decary.
* Workshop on Models and Solvers for Dynamic Programming (DPSOLVE 2023)<>. Organisers: Chris Beck, Xavier Gillard, Ryo Kuroiwa, Laurent Michel, Pierre Schaus, Willem van Hoeve (chair).
* Teaching Constraint Programming<>. Organisers: Tejas Santanam, Helmut Simonis.
* Doctoral Program<>.

On the following days of the conference, apart from the technical paper presentations. We will have tutorials and invited talks:


* Explainable Constraint Solving - A Hands-On Tutoria by Ignace Bleukx, Dimos Tsouros and Tias Guns.
* Machine Learning for Solvers by Vijay Ganesh

Invited Talks

* Maria Garcia de la Banda (Monash University) Beyond optimal solutions for real-world problems
* Jimmy Lee (Chinese University of Hong Kong) A Tale of Two Cities: Teaching CP with Story-Telling
* Laurent Perron (Google, France) The CP-SAT-LP solver
* Thomas Schiex (Universite Fédérale de Toulouse, ANITI, INRAE) Coupling CP with Deep Learning for Molecular Design and SARS-CoV2 variants exploration
* Petr Vilím (ScheduleOpt) CP Solver Design for Maximum CPU Utilization


The registration costs are as follows:

- Workshop only (August 27th, Sunday)

      - $200 CAD (late $350 CAD)

- Conference and Workshop, Student

      - $475 CAD (late $750 CAD)

- Conference and Workshop, Regular

      - $975 CAD (late $1,250 CAD)

- Conference and Workshop, Industry

      - $1,300 CAD ($1,600 CAD)

The early registration deadline is July 30, 2023.

The special group rate for CP'2023 for the Chelsea Hotel is $229 CAD per night (+ taxes), and valid until July 28th, 2023. Please check our website<> for more information.

DEI Scholarship

We are pleased to announce the CP 2023 DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) programme, which includes scholarship and mentoring to support the participation and networking of the underrepresented early-career researchers, as well as a special event during the conference to raise awareness.

Please refer to our website<> for information on eligibility, mentoring, the scholarship and how to apply.

Application deadline: Monday, July 31st, 2023.

DEI Surveys

We would like to collect relevant diversity data about our community and activities in order to help us identify actions to improve diversity and inclusion where needed. Please help us by filling in this year's new diversity survey<> and our equity and inclusion survey<>.

Your answers will be handled in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), The survey results will be compiled by Andreína Francisco. The results of the survey will be presented in a report both at the CP-2023 conference and on the ACP website. Results will be presented following anonymization techniques. At least ten responses are required for the results to be presented.

Deadline: Monday, July 31st, 2023.


CP 2023 appreciates the generous support of our sponsors.

Gold sponsors:

* Association for Constraint Programming (ACP)<>
* Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ)<>
* ScheduleOpt
* Dept. of Management, UTSC<>

Other sponsors:

* Cosling<>
* Google<>
* IBM<>
* Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)<>
* The Optimization Firm<>, makers of the BARON solver.

Organizing Committee

Conference Chair

- Andre Augusto Cire (University of Toronto)

Program Chair

- Roland Yap (National University of Singapore)

Local Chair

- Eldan Cohen (University of Toronto)

Workshop Chair

- Lars Kotthoff (University of Wyoming)

Tutorials Chair

- Emir Demirović (TU Delft)

Doctoral Program Chair

- Xavier Gillard (Université catholique de Louvain)

Publicity & Website Chair

- Anna Latour (National University of Singapore)

DEI Chairs

- Maria Andreina Francisco Rodriguez (Uppsala University)

- Andrea Rendl (Satalia)

Sponsorship Chair

- Arvind Raghunathan (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories)

Special Track Chairs

- CP Applications Track: Helmut Simonis (Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics)

- CP & Machine Learning Track: Tias Guns (KU Leuven)
- CP & Operations Research Track: Gilles Pesant (Polytechnique Montréal)

- CP & Trustworthy Decision Making Track: Peter Stuckey (Monash University)

Senior Program Committee and Program Committee<>


Anna Latour

Research Fellow

National University of Singapore


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