Monday, July 10, 2023

[DMANET] ML 4 Optimization Summer School & Conference at ZIB, September 2023

tl;dr: "Mathematical Optimization for Machine Learning" in Berlin, 11-15 September. One week left for abstract submission. Register now, limited summer school tickets

Dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to the Thematic Einstein Semester Summer School & Conference on "Mathematical Optimization for Machine Learning", which will be held from September 11th to 13th (summer school) and 13th to 15th (conference), 2023, at Zuse Institute Berlin.

Join us in unlocking the potential of mathematics in modern Computer Science and Data Science. This event aims to foster collaboration between young researchers and experienced scholars from diverse disciplines.

With a particular focus on computational aspects and hands-on experience, the summer school precedes the conference. It presents an excellent opportunity for young researchers to learn from experts in the field and build cooperation networks.

Conference Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Discrete optimization

- Nonlinear programming

- Optimal control

- First-order methods

- Multilevel optimization

- Machine learning in optimization

- Machine learning for physical systems

- Fairness and ethics in machine learning

We are still accepting abstract submissions for contributed presentations and mini-symposium contributions. The submission deadline has been moved to July 15th. Abstracts should not exceed one page and must be submitted to<>. Each presentation will be allocated 30 minutes, including a 5-minute discussion.

The conference fee, priced at €100 (early bird rate of €75), covers access to both the summer school and the conference, lunch, one dinner, and coffee breaks. To register, please email<>, stating your name, email, affiliation, and academic titles. Kindly indicate whether you plan to attend the summer school, the conference, or both. Please note that spaces for the summer school are limited.

Invited Speakers for the Conference:

Nicolas Gauger, U Kaiserslautern-Landau

Rolf Krause, Universià della Svizzera italiana Ruth Misener, Imperial College London

Tutorial Speakers for the Summer School:

Giulia Zarpellon, Eurecat

Ruth Misener, Imperial College London

Tias Guns, KU Leuven

Elias Khalil, University of Toronto

Timo Berthold, FICO


Abstract submission: Extended to July 15th Abstract acceptance notification: July 22nd Early bird registration: July 31st Registration deadline: August 31st

For further details and updates, please visit our conference homepage:

We look forward to your active participation and insightful contributions at the Thematic Einstein Semester Conference and Summer School in September 2023. Join us in Berlin as we delve into the exciting world of Mathematical Optimization for Machine Learning.

Best regards,

Timo Berthold, on behalf of the organizing committee

PD Dr. Timo Berthold • Software Engineering – Director • FICO
Fair Isaac Deutschland GmbH
Takustr. 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 841 85 425<>

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Register Court (Registergericht): Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, HRB 126898
Managing Director (Geschäftsführer): Dean Sanderson

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