Saturday, September 16, 2023

[DMANET] Call for Nominations: EMS/ECMI Lanczos Prize for Mathematical Software

One of the main ways mathematical advances have impact in science,
engineering, society, and industry is via their implementation in
software. In order to reward and recognise exceptional research in the
development of mathematical software, the European Mathematical Society
(EMS) and the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI)
have decided to establish the Lanczos Prize for Mathematical Software.

The Prize is to be awarded to a mathematician or scientist, or a group
of mathematicians and scientists, for the development of outstanding
mathematical software with important applications in mathematics,
science, engineering, society or industry.

Eligibility for the Prize is restricted to software whose source is
available to the general public for scrutiny. Commercial software
meeting this criterion is explicitly welcomed.

For full details of evaluation criteria and self-nomination procedure,
please see . The deadline for
self-nominations is 31 December 2023.
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