Tuesday, September 12, 2023

[DMANET] Optimisation Modelling Consultant Position

Want to make an impact and support organisations to become more sustainable using your mathematical capabilities to analyse and optimise? Be sure to get in touch with us.

We are looking for optimisation modelling consultants to strengthen our team.
As a new DTM team member you:

* have a drive to solve challenging, practical problems related to sustainability using advanced analytical methods
* have a master or PhD degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Econometrics or in a related field with an Operations Research specialisation
* have at least 3 years of work or research experience
* are experienced in creating and solving LP/MIP models using solvers like SCIP, CPLEX and Gurobi
* know how to write easy-to-maintain code in Python, R or Julia and know your way in the open source community
* have a pro-active and supportive attitude
* will help to grow a start-up with a dedication to support organisations in attaining their sustainability goals
* are comfortable with speaking and writing in English
* are located in the EU
As an application, we would like to receive a letter of motivation and your CV. Do you first want to ask some questions? Contact us at info@doingthemath.nl<mailto:info@doingthemath.nl>, we are happy to tell you more!

For information about Doing the Math visit our website https://doingthemath.nl/jobs/

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