1 x Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Computer Science @ Informatics section, Dept. of Maths, Informatics, and Geosciences (MIGe), University of Trieste
Application deadline: March 11, 2024
Applications online at https://pica.cineca.it/units/24-rtt-4/
The University of Trieste has opened a new tenure track (RTT) position in computer science (INF/01) in the broad areas of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and their applications, in particular (but not exclusively) algorithms, machine learning, verification, databases, knowledge management, computer vision, NLP, logic-based AI, social computing, evolutionary computation, human-computer interaction applications in medicine, business intelligence, social sciences, and industry.
The informatics section of MIGe is a vibrant environment dedicated to advance computer science at large. In the most recent years, much of its research activity has increasingly focused on the broad fields of machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence, both at the level of theoretical models and algorithms, as well as on their practical applications. We are looking for motivated faculty to join and develop the field. More info at bit.ly/Informatics-units<http://bit.ly/Informatics-units>
Teaching-wise, the department offers a bachelor in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (in Italian), a master program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (in English), a master program in Scientific and Data-Intensive Computing (in English), and a phd program in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
Master and Phd programs are in collaboration with other research and academic institutions of the thriving scientific area of Trieste and of the FVG region. Trieste has been European capital of Science in 2020, and it has the highest density of researchers per thousand inhabitants in the whole Europe. It is also an enjoyable city by the sea, with affordable housing prices, offering a lot of cultural and sport activities (from sailing to climbing and speleology). Trieste also hosts one of the major harbours of Italy, the HQ of some big companies (Generali, Fincantieri), several innovative start ups, and the first scientific park of Italy (Area Science Park).
New faculty members are expected to teach in the above mentioned programs and in other programs of the University, develop their own research labs and possibly collaborate with the existing faculty in the University of Trieste and in the Trieste / regional area.
The tenure track lasts at most 6 years. Candidates are expected to have obtained the national habilitation in the corresponding scientific sector (INF/01) by then (abilitazione.miur.it/<http://abilitazione.miur.it/>). From the third year, candidates holding the national habilitation can ask to be evaluated for the tenure. Once tenured, candidates will become associate professors. Net salary is ~2000 euros/month for the first three years, raising to ~ 2500k euros/month for associate professors. Salary then increases every two years. Candidates working abroad for more than 3 years are exempted from taxes for a minimum of 6 years.
The official call can be found here: https://web.units.it/sites/default/files/ccr/ricerca/bandi/DR%20149%20prot.%2023558%20del%2008-02-2024%20bando%204%20RTT_0.pdf
Applications are online via the PICA system, here: https://pica.cineca.it/units/24-rtt-4/
Deadline is March 11, 2024.
Candidates with a PhD from foreign university need to start the official recognition of their phd before applying, see the call and www.cimea.it<http://www.cimea.it/> for further info.
If you are interested to apply and you would like to know more details, please contact prof. Luca Bortolussi (INF/01 and coordinator of the AI initiative @ Trieste lbortolussi@units.it<mailto:lbortolussi@units.it>).
You are very welcome to distribute this call to other potentially interested candidates.
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