Saturday, February 3, 2024

[DMANET] ICSTCC 2024 - First Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are inviting you to contribute
to the 28th International Conference on System Theory, Control and
Computing ICSTCC 2024, that is going to be held on October 10-12, 2024,
in Sinaia, Romania. For accessing the First Call for Papers and for
details about the conference topics, please visit the attached file and
the conference website: [1] .

As well as the previous editions, ICSTCC 2024 requested the technical
co-sponsorship from IEEE Control Systems Society and the Proceedings
will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Moreover, the
Proceedings of the 2013 and 2015-2022 editions are indexed in Clarivate
Analytics Web of Science (formerly ISI Proceedings).

We are proud to announce the confirmed plenary speakers of ICSTCC 2024:
Frank ALLGÖWER (Germany), Rainer LEUPERS (Germany), Kristin PETTERSEN

We look forward to receiving the submission of your work in the form of
regular papers and invited session proposals. All papers should be
submitted by web upload only at [2].

Important deadlines:

April 21, 2024: Submission of proposals for invited sessions

April 28, 2024: Submission of papers

June 30, 2024: Notification of acceptance

July 28, 2024: Final camera-ready manuscript and registration payment of
at least one of the authors

October 10-12, 2024: Conference

Please distribute this call for papers among your colleagues. We
apologize for multiple copies of this email.

For any questions, please contact the organizers at

We look forward to welcoming you in the beautiful mountain resort

Best regards,

Dan Selisteanu, General Chair, Maria Elena Valcher, International
Program Committee Chair, and Dorin Sendrescu, Organizing Committee Chair


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