Thursday, February 1, 2024

[DMANET] PhD and Postdoc Opportunities in Theoretical and Computational Music Research

PhD and Postdoc Opportunities in Theoretical and Computational Music Research

The groups of (1) Digital and Cognitive Musicology and (2) Discrete Optimization at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, as well as the (3) Institute for Theory and History at the Anton Bruckner Universität Linz, Austria offer several PostDoc as well as PhD positions in the scope of a joint research project.

The positions are offered within the Sinergia project "Towards a Unified Model of Musical Form: Bridging Music Theory, Digital Corpus Research, and Computation". This collaborative and interdisciplinary project has recently been selected for funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) with 2.1 Mio CHF.

The primary goal of the project is to develop a generalized theory of musical form together with a robust, mathematically sound implementation that is computationally tractable, allowing for the automatic analysis of large musical corpora. The envisaged research is rooted in musicology as well as algorithm design and discrete optimization.

We invite applications for 2 PostDoc as well as 3 PhD positions. Necessary prerequisites for PhD positions are a Master's Degree in Musicology, Music Theory, Mathematics, Music Information Retrieval, Computer Science, or some related area. A PostDoc is required to have a PhD in one of these areas.

PhD applications for the groups at EPFL should be sent to the respective doctoral schools:, and

Applicants interested in either the PhD or postdoc position in Linz are referred to or

The prospective starting date is flexible around September 2024.

Further questions can be directed to:
- Martin Rohrmeier:
- Friedrich Eisenbrand:
- Markus Neuwirth:

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