Sunday, February 4, 2024

[DMANET] workshop announcement: Matroids meet Combinatorial Optimization

*Matroids meet Combinatorial Optimization*


IHP (Institut-Henri-Poincaré), Paris, April 2-3 2024,

We would like to announce a workshop dedicated to the theme of matroid
optimization. We hope to bring together a small group (25-35) of people
working on matroid-related optimization problems for two half days, with
the goal of sharing recent research progress and fostering new
collaboration projects. We will have two keynote talks (of one hour) and
about 10 shorter talks (of 30 minutes each). Our two keynote speakers
(Britta Peis and Rico Zenklusen) have confirmed their participation.

This event will take place in Institut Henri Poincaré, which is located
in the famous "Latin quarter" of Paris. Please see

for more details and to register your participation.

Kristof Berczi, Chien-Chung Huang, and Nicole Megow


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