Tuesday, May 7, 2024

[DMANET] PhD position in Computational Complexity, Lisbon, Portugal

The ERC project HoFGA (The Hardness of Finding Good Algorithms) in the
field of *Computational Complexity*, is looking to hire one PhD student.

The position would begin in the Fall semester of 2024.

Candidates are expected to have a MSc in Mathematics, with emphasis on
Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, etc, or Computer Science, with
emphasis on Theoretical Computer Science.

Your advisor will be Bruno Loff: https://brunoloff.wordpress.com

The position will be hosted on the Department of Mathematics of the
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.

The department is currently hosting the HoFGA project, which means that
during your PhD we will have a team of 3-6 people working in
Computational Complexity. The project will pay for your salary, at the
level of MSc research assistant. You will be expected to TA for the
course Computational Complexity, but no other.

Interested candidates please send an email to bruno.loff@gmail.com, with
a statement of intent/letter of motivation, a CV including favorite
courses, grades, and a 2-4 paragraphs explaining your MSc thesis. Please
have one or two of your favorite teachers send a recommendation letter.

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