Saturday, May 4, 2024

[DMANET] Associate professorship in computer science and informatics at CTU Prague

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Department of Software Engineering of the Faculty of Nuclear
Sciences and Physical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague,
I am forwarding information about the following job opening:

The Dean of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech
Technical University in Prague, invites applications for an associate professor
(Established Researcher R3 or Leading Researcher R4) at the Department of
Software Engineering. The call is open to exceptional candidates from all areas
of research in Computer Science and Informatics that, in particular, include
Software Engineering, Applied Informatics, Machine Learning and Artificial
Intelligence, Mathematical Optimization, Software Optimization, Distributed,
Parallel and Cluster Computing, Computational Geometry, Computer Graphics,
Computer Vision, or Virtual Reality and Human-Computer Interaction.

The candidate is expected to conduct scientific research, software development,
other creative activities, and to participate in teaching courses in the
aforementioned areas.

The start date is subject to mutual agreement, with the preferred date being
the first half of 2025.

More information:

To submit the application or for any informal inquiries, please use the email
contact of the corresponding department <>. The closing date
for the applications is October 31, 2024.

Best regards,

Jan Volec
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