Wednesday, October 16, 2024

[DMANET] Postdoc offer in Bordeaux - Fall 2025

[Apologies for multiple emails]

Dear colleagues,

I am opening a 2-year postdoc position in Bordeaux (France), starting fall 2025, on « High genus geometry and/or asymptotic enumeration ». The deadline in December 31st 2024, more details can be found here :

There's a wide range of relevant topics for this postdoc, and they include:
- Models of surfaces : combinatorial maps, Hurwitz numbers, half-(translation) surfaces, hyperbolic surfaces, etc.
- Random graphs in general
- The moduli space of curves, in particular intersection theory and calculation of intersection numbers
- Asymptotic enumeration/analytic combinatorics, especially multivariate asymptotics, study of nonlinear and/or multivariate recurrences. Good (computer-aided) guessing skills are appreciated !
- Integrable hierarchies in enumerative geometry : KP/Toda/etc., fermionic calculs/infinite wedge space, etc.
- Topological recursion and resurgence theory for asymptotic enumeration

If you know anyone that might be interested, please forward them this email.

Thanks a lot and have a good day !

Baptiste Louf
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