Tuesday, January 5, 2010

[DMANET] PhD position: Mechanisms for Decentralized Service Systems

University of Twente

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science

The Departments of Computer Science and of Applied Mathematics offer

**** PhD position: Mechanisms for Decentralized Service Systems ****

The project is funded by University of Twentes Centre for Telematics
and Information Technology (CTIT), the largest academic ICT research
institute in the Netherlands. The project is a multidisciplinary
research project that aims to combine fundamental research on
Algorithmic Mechanism Design and its application within Service
Systems. The project is a collaboration of three groups, Discrete
Mathematics and Mathematical Programming (M. Uetz), Databases (A.
Wombacher), and Information Systems (M. van Sinderen). It makes part
of the the strategic research orientation on Applied Science of
Service for Information Society Technology (ASSIST); see

We are looking for excellent applicants with a MSc degree in any
relevant area of Mathematics, Computer Science, or Econometrics. We
expect an enthusiastic person with a commitment to do fundamental and
applied research. The project involves both theory and practice.
Therefore, knowledge in Combinatorial Optimization, Mechanism Design,
as well as implementation skills are highly appreciated. The candidate
must have good communication skills, in writing as well as oral. Your
main task will be to do research, but you will be given opportunities
to acquire teaching experience, too. Starting date is March 2010.

What we offer
We offer a research position in a dynamic and international
environment. You will be appointed for a period of four years. The
gross salary ranges from EURO 2.042,00 (first year) to EURO
2.612,00 (fourth year). The labor agreements are in accordance with the CAO-NU
for Dutch universities, and include a holiday allowance (8%) and an
end-of-year bonus (8.3%), and a number of additional benefits.
Additionally, the University of Twente provides excellent campus
facilities, and actively supports professional and personal
development. The daily supervision of this position is affiliated to
the chair Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Programming (DMMP, see
Working language is English. The candidate will be given the
opportunity to follow the PhD program offered by the LNMB (Dutch
Network on the Mathematics of Operations Research), see

Brief Project Description
In daily life we are using many information services like e.g. online
payments and shopping. Such services are characterized by a set of
properties describing its cost, availability, response time, or
privacy requirements, for example. These properties describe the
Quality of Service (QoS). Such services are typically realized in a
decentralized network of service providers. The aim of the project is
to develop mechanisms that allow us to operate such a service system
as efficiently as possible. We plan to develop necessary theory in the
design of mechanisms, but also the implementation and testing of

Information and application
You are invited to send your application letter together with a short
curriculum vitae, a list of publications (if any), an abstract of your
master thesis, a list of courses you have followed (with grades), and
the names and addresses of two potential referees. Please send your
application before January 31, 2010 to: Dini Heres-Ticheler,
University of Twente, Faculty EEMCS, Dept. Applied Mathematics, P.O.
Box 217, 7500 AE
Enschede, The Netherlands.
Preferably by email to: heresbfj@math.utwente.nl. For more information

you are welcome to contact:
Marc Uetz (m.uetz@utwente.nl, ++31 53 489 34 20), Andreas Wombacher
(a.wombacher@utwente.nl, ++31 53 489 3772), or Marten van Sinderen
(m.j.vansinderen@ewi.utwente.nl, ++31 53 489 3677)
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