Friday, February 26, 2010

[DMANET] position announcement: chaire CNRS

Position Announcement : « Chaire Mixte CNRS-Université »

LIMOS Laboratory, UMR CNRS 6158, INS2I, University Blaise Pascal
Clermont-Ferrand FRANCE

The CNRS/University LIMOS Laboratory : Informatics, Modelling,
Optimization, Systems, located in Clermont-Ferrand, proposes a Chaire
Mixte CNRS/Université en Computer Sciences

This position is a mixed University/CNRS permanent position, which,
besides, offers during a 5 year duration the following advantages:
- a 64 h/year teaching duty ;
- an individual 6000 Euros/year bonus for a young doctor and a 10000
Euros/year bonus for an experienced searcher (at least 5 in a previous
academic position) ;
- a 15000 Euros/year subside dedicated to scientific activity.

Applying for this position is open to young doctors as well as to
experienced searchers, independently of their origin and nationality.

Profile: The candidate should be able to identify his activity with at
least one of the following keywords : Operations Research, Combinatorial
Optimization, Graphs/Algorithms, Applications to Emerging Systems (Web,
Sensors Networks, Transportation Systems…).

The LIMOS laboratory structures its activity around algorithm and
sofware design for application related to the management of complex
systems (telecommunication networks, transportation networks,
ecosystems, production systems). So, it mixes fundamental and
application oriented approaches, and focuses on the following topics:

- Combinatorial Optimization/Operations Research
- Graphs/Algorithms and Datamining
- Imagery and Automated Learning
- BioInformatics and Simulation
- Web Services, DataBases
- Mobile Networks, Sensor Networks
- Production Systems.

The common feature which those projects share is related to modelling
and to combinatorial algorithm and software design. The laboratory is
interested in recruiting some high level searcher, who might be either a
young doctor or some experienced searcher, with focus on discrete
algorithms (Operations Research, Disc. Maths.) and who would try to link
this research with new applications related to emerging data management
technologies : sensor networks, web services, transportation systems,
while contributing to the development of international partnerships with
China, Canada, Australia.

For any contact : Alain QUILLIOT, LIMOS Head
Tel : 04 73 40 50 04
Email :

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