Tuesday, December 4, 2012

[DMANET] INFORMATIK 2013 -- Call for Workshops and Tutorials

=== "Computer science adapted to
=== Humans, organization and the environment"
=== Call for Workshop and Tutorial Submissions
=== in conjunction with the yearly meeting of the German
=== Informatics Society (GI)
=== www.informatik2013.de
=== Koblenz, Germany, September 16-20, 2013

INFORMATIK 2013 -- Germany's largest computer science conference --
takes place next year in the German city of Koblenz. From September 16
to 20, workshops, tutorials, scientific and applied sessions, as well as
six co-located conference are organized at the campus of the University
of Koblenz-Landau. Leading German and international representatives of
science, politics and engineering will meet to present up-to-date
results all around the conference's topic, as well as from related areas
of research and development.

In the workshops of INFORMATIK 2013, scientists and practitioners will
meet to discuss current topics. The tutorials at INFORMATIK 2013 give
concise introductions to a particular topic in computer science,
relevant to science or economy.

Workshop and tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the program
committee of INFORMATIK 2013. Both workshops and tutorials must be
devoted to areas of research from computer science, and be accessible to
all visitors of INFORMATIK 2013. Topics fitting the theme "computer
science adapted to humanity, organization and the environment" are
welcome, but not mandatory.

To propose a workshop, the following information is needed:

- Workshop title and (if applicable) acronym
- Workshop organizers (name, address, position)
- Summary: topic and focus, target audience
- Detailed description of the workshop, e.g., a call for papers. Will
there be invited lecturers, panels, posters, etc.?
- Organization: planned duration (half-day or full-day), maximum number
of participants
- Submissions: assessment process, planned program committee, planned
- Other: reference to previous editions of the workshop, competing
events, relation to the conference theme, etc.

To propose a tutorial, the following information is needed:
- Tutorial title
- Tutorial organizers and lecturers (name, address, position)
- Summary: topic and focus, target audience
- Detailed description of the content, e.g., a call for participation.
Will there be invited talks, panels, posters, etc.?
- Organization: planned duration (half-day or full-day), maximum number
of participants
- Other: reference to previous editions of the tutorial, competing
events, relation to current topics and events, etc.

Please submit your suggestions in PDF format to:


More information:


Important dates:

Submission of proposals
January 14, 2013

Notification of workshops and tutorials acceptance
February 11, 2013

Submission of abstracts to workshops
April 22, 2013

Notification of acceptance for workshop submissions
May 20, 2013

Camera ready copy submission
July 1, 2013

Organizers at the University of Koblenz-Landau:

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Furbach
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Grimm
Prof. Dr. Felix Hampe
Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab
Prof. Dr. Maria Wimmer

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