Tuesday, April 30, 2013

[DMANET] Call for nominations - due 15 May 2013 - for GTS Prize in Game Theory and Computer Science

Call for nominations - due 15 May 2013 - for the
Prize in Game Theory and Computer Science
of the Game Theory Society

The Prize in Game Theory and Computer Science of the Game
Theory Society was established in 2008 in recognition of
Ehud Kalai's role in promoting the connection of the two
research areas. The last award took place in 2008 at the
World Congress of the Society in Evanston. This time, the
Prize will in 2013 be awarded at the Workshop on
Computational Game Theory in Stony Brook (July 16-18, 2013).

The Prize will be awarded to the person (or persons) who
have published the best paper at the interface of game
theory and computer science in the last decade. Preference
will be given to candidates who are 45 or less at the time
of the award, but this is not an absolute constraint. The
amount of the Prize will be USD 2,500 plus travel expenses
of up to USD 2,500 to attend the scientific event where the
Prize is awarded.

The Game Theory Society invites nominations for the Prize.
Each nomination should include a full copy of the paper (in
pdf format) plus an extended abstract, not exceeding two
pages, that explains the nature and importance of the

Nominations should be emailed to the Society's
Secretary-Treasurer, Federico Valenciano (at
federico.valenciano@ehu.es ) by 15 May 2013.
The selection will be made by a committee appointed by the
President of the Game Theory Society, Roger Myerson, and
the result will be announced in June 2013.

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