Tuesday, April 18, 2017

[DMANET] CALL FOR CONTRIBUTED TALKS - Workshop on Algorithms and Structure



Workshop on Algorithms and Structure

for Sparse Graphs

July 14, 2017

University of Warsaw, Poland

URL: http://sparsity2017.mimuw.edu.pl/


The Workshop on Algorithms and Structure for Sparse Graphs will take place on Friday, July 14, 2017 at University of Warsaw, Poland as a satellite event of ICALP 2017 (July 10-13, 2017).

The goal of the workshop is to provide an opportunity to present research, exchange ideas and foster collaboration among researchers interested in algorithmic graph structure theory, structure theory of sparse graphs and logic in computer science.

The scientific program will consist of three invited lectures, three contributed presentations and an open problem session.

If you would like to contribute with a 25 minute talk, please send an email with the subject "Workshop on Algorithms and Structure" with your title and short abstract to siebertz@mimuw.edu.pl until April 25. Since the number of contributed talks is limited, we will notify all potential speakers on whether their talk is accepted by May 5.

Invited Lectures:

Dan Král', University of Warwick, England

Stephan Kreutzer, Technical University Berlin, Germany

Felix Reidl, North Carolina State University, USA

Registration is via the conference website of ICALP http://icalp17.mimuw.edu.pl/

The registration fee will be about 50Eur, and covers lunch and coffee breaks.

The organizers,

Michał Pilipczuk, University of Warsaw (michal.pilipczuk@mimuw.edu.pl)

Sebastian Siebertz, University of Warsaw (siebertz@mimuw.edu.pl)

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