Monday, May 28, 2018

[DMANET] Assistant Professor in Computer Science

Assistant Professor in Computer Science

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of
Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense, invites applications for a position in computer
science, in the data science group, at the level of assistant professor. The
position will start in the first half of 2019. An appointment as assistant
professor lasts for three years, and contingent on successful completion of a
lecturer training programme and a positive performance evaluation, a position
for associate professor is normally opened after the three years, for which the
assistant professor can apply. Application deadline: 1 September 2018.

The successful applicant is expected to have a PhD in computer science and a
strong track record of research at a high international level. To extend our
competences in data science, we are seeking applicants in the following areas:

- machine learning and data mining
- exploratory data analysis (e.g., data visualization, explainable AI)
- databases (e.g., efficient/approximate index structures, MapReduce-like
- multimedia data analytics (e.g., efficient similarity search for
big/complex/multimedia data)
- prescriptive analytics (e.g., data-driven optimization, decision
making in stochastic environments)

In addition to research the applicant must be able to teach and advise in
computer science at all levels (undergraduate through PhD) as well as teach in
a broad range of core computer science areas at the undergraduate level.

Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of Danish is not a prerequisite for
application. More English than Danish is used when teaching in computer
science, and more than half of the faculty members in computer science are

For further information on the department and its research and teaching
activities, see its home page or contact Associate Professor Arthur Zimek,
phone: +45 6550 9071, e-mail: For more information about
how to apply, see
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