Tuesday, February 5, 2019

[DMANET] DISC 2019 first call for papers


33rd International Symposium on Distributed Computing
October 14-18, 2019
Budapest, Hungary

Twitter: https://twitter.com/podc_disc

* DATES [tentative]

Submission (all papers): May 16, 2019 (AoE)

Notification (regular papers): July 19, 2019
Notification (brief announcements): July 26, 2019
Final version for proceedings: August 7, 2019

Main conference: October 15-17, 2019
Workshops: October 14 and 18, 2019

* NEW IN DISC 2019

We will use double-blind peer review in DISC 2019, all submissions must be anonymous! However, you are still free to post your work e.g. on arXiv.


Original contributions to theory, design, implementation, modeling, analysis, or application of distributed systems and networks are solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Distributed computing theory, computability, knowledge
- Concurrency and synchronization, transactional memory
- Distributed algorithms and data structures: correctness and complexity
- Distributed graph algorithms, dynamic networks, network science
- Multiprocessor and multicore parallel architectures and algorithms
- Circuits, Systems on chip and networks on chip
- Wireless, mobile, sensor and ad-hoc networks
- Fault tolerance and self-stabilization, reliability, availability
- Security in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols
- Block chain and other recent distributed paradigms
- Game-theoretic approaches to distributed computing
- Formal verification, synthesis and testing: methodologies, tools
- Distributed operating systems, middleware, and distributed programming
- Distributed databases, big data, cloud and peer-to-peer computing
- Mobile agents, autonomous distributed systems, swarm robotics
- Biological and nature-inspired distributed algorithms
- Machine learning and distributed computing


Papers are to be submitted electronically through EasyChair at

Submissions must be in English and in the PDF format. Submissions should be typeset using an 11-point font or larger, in a single-column layout, with at least 1-inch margins and a reasonable line spacing.

Submissions must be anonymous, without any author names, affiliations, or email addresses. The contact information of the authors will be entered separately in the EasyChair system.

Submissions not conforming to the submission guidelines and papers outside of the scope of the conference will be rejected without consideration.


We will use a fairly relaxed implementation of double-blind peer review in DISC 2019. You are free to disseminate your work through arXiv and other online repositories and give presentations on your work as usual.

However, please make sure you do not mention your own name or affiliation in the submission, and please do not include obvious references that reveal your identity. A reviewer who has not previously seen the paper should be able to read it without accidentally learning the identity of the authors.

Brief announcements should also be submitted without author names and affiliations in the front page so that a reviewer can form an initial judgment without bias, but they can contain a reference to the full version of the work in the bibliography.

Please feel free to ask the PC chair if you have any questions about the double-blind policy of DISC 2019.


Regular submission must report on original research that has not previously appeared and is not currently under review for or concurrently submitted to a journal or a conference with published proceedings. Any overlap with a published or concurrently submitted paper must be clearly indicated.

The length of a regular submission should be at most 10 pages (excluding the cover page, references, and appendix).

All of the ideas necessary for an expert to fully verify the central claims in the paper, including experimental results, should be included, some of which may be placed in a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the program committee. If desired, the appendix can be a longer version of the paper.


Brief announcements may describe work in progress or work presented elsewhere.

The length of a brief announcement should be at most 3 pages (including everything). The title of a brief announcement must begin with "Brief Announcement:".

A regular submission that is not selected for a regular presentation may be invited by the PC for the brief announcements track.


The proceedings will be published by LIPIcs. The final version of the paper has to be formatted following the LIPIcs guidelines. Regular papers will have 15 pages in the final proceedings (excluding references), and brief announcements will have 3 pages in the proceedings (including everything). If more space is needed, the authors are encouraged to post the full version e.g. on arXiv and refer to it in their paper.

Accepted papers and brief announcements must be presented by one of the authors, with a full registration, at the conference site, and according to the final schedule. Any submission accepted into the technical program but not presented on-site will be withdrawn from the final proceedings.


Awards will be given to the best paper and the best student paper. To be eligible for the best student paper award at least one of the paper authors must be a full-time student at the time of submission, and the student(s) must have made a significant contribution to the paper.


- Dan Alistarh, IST Austria, Austria
- Leonid Barenboim, Open University of Israel, Israel
- Petra Berenbrink, University of Hamburg, Germany
- Janna Burman, Universite Paris-Sud (Saclay), LRI, France
- Keren Censor-Hillel, Technion, Israel
- Shiri Chechik, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
- Colin Cooper, King's College London, UK
- Jurek Czyzowicz, UQO, Canada
- Carole Delporte-Gallet, IRIF, Universite Paris Diderot, France
- Shlomi Dolev, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
- Robert Elsaesser, University of Salzburg, Austria
- Antonio Fernandez Anta, IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain
- Vijay K. Garg, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- George Giakkoupis, Inria, Rennes, France
- Seth Gilbert, NUS, Singapore
- Wojciech Golab, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Rachid Guerraoui, EPFL, Switzerland
- Magnus M. Halldorsson, Reykjavik University, Iceland
- Keijo Heljanko, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Mark Jelasity, University of Szeged, Hungary
- Tomasz Jurdzinski, University of Wroclaw, Poland
- Dariusz Kowalski, U. Liverpool, UK, and USWPS, Poland
- Christoph Lenzen, MPI for Informatics, Germany
- Gopal Pandurangan, University of Houston, USA
- Merav Parter, Weizmann Institute, Israel
- Sriram V. Pemmaraju, University of Iowa, USA
- Maria Potop-Butucaru, Sorbonne University, France
- Sergio Rajsbaum, UNAM, Mexico
- Binoy Ravindran, Virginia Tech, USA
- Andrea W. Richa, Arizona State University, USA
- Peter Robinson, McMaster University, Canada
- Eric Ruppert, York University, Canada
- Stefan Schmid, University of Vienna, Austria
- Michael Spear, Lehigh University, USA
- Alexander Spiegelman, VMware Research Group, USA
- Jukka Suomela, Aalto University, Finland (chair)
- Jara Uitto, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Yukiko Yamauchi, Kyushu University, Japan


General chair:
Andras Pataricza, BME, Hungary

General co-chair:
Zoltan Micskei, BME, Hungary

Local organization chair:
Gabor Huszerl, BME, Hungary

Financial chair:
Attila Varga, Diamond Congress Ltd., Hungary

Web chair:
Akos Hajdu, BME, Hungary

Program committee chair:
Jukka Suomela, Aalto University, Finland

Workshop chair:
Moti Medina, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Proceedings chair:
Dennis Olivetti, Aalto University, Finland


- Cyril Gavoille, LaBRI - Universite de Bordeaux, France
- Fabian Kuhn, University of Freiburg, Germany
- Yoram Moses, Technion, Israel (chair)
- Merav Parter, Weizmann Institute, Israel
- Andrea Richa, Arizona State University, USA (vice chair)
- Ulrich Schmid, TU Wien, Austria
- Jukka Suomela, Aalto University, Finland

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