Wednesday, March 6, 2019

[DMANET] WASA2019 - CFP: deadline extension

The 14th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms,
Systems, and Applications (WASA)

June 24-26, 2019, Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu, HI 96814, USA

Call for Papers

WASA is an international conference on algorithms, systems, and applications of wireless networks. It is motivated by the recent advances in cutting-edge electronic and computer technologies that have paved the way for the proliferation of ubiquitous infrastructure and infrastructureless wireless networks.

WASA is designed to be a forum for theoreticians, system and application designers, protocol developers and practitioners to discuss and express their views on the current trends, challenges, and state-of-the-art solutions related to various issues in wireless networks. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to, effective and efficient state-of-the-art algorithm design and analysis, reliable and secure system development and implementations, experimental study and testbed validation, and new application exploration in wireless networks.

In addition to technical sessions and panels, WASA 2019 will feature several keynote speeches, given by leading researchers and practitioners in the areas of algorithms, systems, and applications in wireless networks.

Submission Guidelines

Submission page:

Submitted papers should be original, unpublished work and not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines will be rejected.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Cognitive Radio Networks, Software-defined radio, reconfigurable radio networks
* Cyber-physical systems including intelligent transportation systems and smart healthcare systems
* Theoretical frameworks and analysis of fundamental cross-layer protocol and network design and performance issues
* Distributed and localized algorithm design and analysis
* Information and Coding theory for Wireless Networks
* Localization
* Mobility models and mobile social networking
* Mobile cloud computing
* Topology control and coverage
* Security and privacy
* Underwater and underground Networks
* Vehicular networks
* Radar and Sonar Networks
* PHY/MAC/Routing protocols
* Information processing and data management
* Programmable service interfaces
* Energy-efficient algorithms, systems and protocol design
* Operating system and middleware support
* Pervasive and ubiquitous computing
* Local area and personal wireless networks
* Applications, design, and performance of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
* Delay/disruption tolerant networks
* Experimental testbeds, models and case studies

Extended versions of most papers from the conference will be published in special issues of International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Security and Communication Networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Mobile Networks and Applications, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Remote Sensing, and IEEE Access.

Important Dates

* New Submission Deadline: 11:59 PM, March 19th, 2019 HST
* Notification: April 5, 2019
* Camera-Ready Submission: April 10, 2019

Organizing Committee

General Chair

* Yingfei Dong, University of Hawaii, USA

Program Co-Chairs:

* Edoardo S. Biagioni, University of Hawaii, USA
* Yao Zheng, University of Hawaii, USA

Publicity Co-Chair

* Kuai Xu, Arizona State University, USA
* Cheng Zhang, George Washington University, USA

Publication Co-Chairs

* Wei Li, Georgia State University, USA
* Yibo Xue, Tsinghua University, China

Local Co-Chairs:

* Depeng Li, University of Hawaii, USA
* Yi Zhu, Hawaii Pacific University, USA

Web Chair

* Meng Han, Kennesaw State University, USA

Steering Committee

* Xiuzhen Susan Cheng, George Washington University, USA-Co-Chair
* Zhipeng Cai, Georgia State University, USA-Co-Chair
* Jiannong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
* Ness Shroff The Ohio State University, USA
* Wei Zhao, University of Macau, China
* PengJun Wan, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
* Ty Znati, University of Pittsburgh, USA
* Xinbing Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


All questions about submissions should be emailed to Edoardo Biagioni (<>), and Yao Zheng (<>).

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