Thursday, December 16, 2021

[DMANET] SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0 released

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce the release of the SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0,
which consists of SCIP 8.0.0, GCG 3.5.0, SoPlex 6.0.0, PaPILO 2.0.0, UG
1.0.0 beta and ZIMPL 3.5.0. A new version of SCIP-SDP 4.0.0 has been
available at since September.

This release comes with improved performance for linear and nonconvex
mixed-integer optimization out-of-the-box and many new features like

- a new framework for handling nonlinear constraints,
- symmetry handling on general variables,
- a new separator for mixing cuts,
- new and improved decomposition-based heuristics,
- updates to the Benders decomposition framework,
- dual postsolving of LP solutions in PaPILO,
- substantial ecosystem improvements in GCG,
- a major revision and generalization of the UG framework,
- improved heuristics, presolving, and relaxations in SCIP-SDP,
- major performance improvements to the Steiner tree code SCIP-Jack,
- and new and improved SCIP interfaces (MATLAB and SCIP.jl).

For further details please have a look at and the
accompanying release report, which is available
at Optimization Online:

The current download on the web page is still marked as a beta release.
We invite you to download the new version and try it out. To help us
improve even further please let us know if you encounter any problems.

Kind regards,
The SCIP team
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