Wednesday, December 1, 2021

[DMANET] SIAG-ACDA Online Seminar Series: Inaugural Lecture by Katherine Yelick on "Genomic Analysis at Scale"

The SIAG on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms is launching
an open online Seminar series on topics of interest to members of the
SIAG and beyond.

We are delighted to have won Katherine Yelick, University of California
Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, to present the
inaugural lecture titled

"Genomic Analysis at Scale: Mapping Irregular Computations to Advanced

and scheduled for

Thursday, December 16, 1:00pm EST (10:00am PST, 6:00pm GMT, 7:00pm CET)

as a 1 hour Zoom webinar. Following registration under

attendees will receive the link to join the event. A reminder email will
be sent out the day before the webinar to those registered.

The organizers
Anne Benoit, Uwe Naumann, Julian Shun, Blair Sullivan

(posted by Henning Meyerhenke, SIAG-ACDA vice chair)
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