Monday, July 10, 2023

[DMANET] Four PhD positions in computer science at University of Gothenburg

University of Gothenburg is looking for four PhD students in various
fields of computer science.

The call spans topics within data science and AI, computer networks and
systems, computing science, and software engineering and interaction
design. The potential applicants are invited to go through the list of
potential supervisors and projects in the announcement, as the applicant
is expected to select one or two projects as listed in the call.

Location: University of Gothenburg, department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden
Starting date: 2024-01-10 or as soon as possible
Extent: 100 % full time
Application deadline: 2023-08-20

The position is nominally four years but may be extended to five years
subject to the amount of teaching load assigned to the PhD student.

Link to job posting:

As one of the potential supervisors, I heartily encourage you to apply,
particularly if you find my algorithms engineering project interesting!

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