Friday, September 29, 2023

[DMANET] Multiple Continuing (Tenure-Track) Academic Positions, School of Computer Science, University of Sydney

Dear colleagues,

The School of Computer Science at the University of Sydney (Sydney,
Australia) is seeking applications for several academic positions at all
levels. Successful applicants will have an excellent research record and be
able to teach a range of courses. The school is embarking on an exciting
growth journey, adding several new continuing positions, which will
complement our core areas of strength and push the frontiers to new
research areas. We are particularly interested in applicants that enhance
the range of research in the School or build connections between our
research areas.

The School of Computer Science at the University of Sydney welcomes
outstanding applicants in all areas of computer science, in particular in:
all areas of systems research, all areas of AI/ML, software engineering,
programming languages and visualisation.

All positions are full-time, continuing (tenure-track) roles based in

For the full details on the positions and to apply, please visit the
following link:

Closing date: 11:59pm, 30 November 2023 (Sydney time)

André van Renssen

Dr. André van Renssen (he/him) | Lecturer and Deputy Undergraduate Director
School of Computer Science | Faculty of Engineering
The University of Sydney

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