Monday, September 18, 2023

[DMANET] Postdoc position in Algebraic Complexity Theory, IT University of Copenhagen

Dear Colleagues,

The Algorithms group at IT University of Copenhagen announces an open call
for a Postdoc position in Algebraic Complexity Theory starting 1 January
2024, or soon thereafter. The position is funded by Independent Research
Fund Denmark (Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond DFF) grant led by Nutan Limaye.
The postdoc position is a full-time research position for a duration of 18

The main goal of this project is to make advances in understanding the
power of algebraic formulas. This broad theme can be explored from several
different perspectives. Our goal is to develop new combinations of known
techniques and to innovate new methods to prove results aligned with this
research theme. The postdoc candidate is expected to closely collaborate
with the members of the project and present the work resulting from this
project at workshops and conferences. Teaching of advanced courses is
encouraged but not required. Travel funding is included with the position.

The applicant must hold or be close to completion of, a PhD-degree with
proven research experience in Computer Science or Mathematics and with a
good publication record, for example, publications in top conferences such
as STOC, FOCS, CCC, or similar, or in journals of a comparable quality.

To know more about the position and the application procedure, please use
this link:

*Application deadline is 15 October 2023 at 23:59 CET.*

Informal inquiries about the positions are welcome and can be made to Nutan
Limaye ( Please add "DFF POSTDOC APPLICATION 2023" to your
subject line when you send your inquires.

Best regards,
Nutan Limaye

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