Thursday, September 21, 2023

[DMANET] PhD Position in Economics and Computation at the University of Edinburgh

Dear colleagues,

I have a fully-funded PhD position in Economics and Computation at the School of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh. The position is for 3.5 years and the topic is in the general area of Economics and Computation, e.g., game theory, mechanism design, computational social choice theory, fair division, or computational complexity of these domains.

More details, as well as information on how to apply can be found here:

The deadline for applications is 31st October 2023, but applications after that date may also be considered. The intended starting date is May 2024, but this is flexible.

If you are a potential candidate, feel free to contact me directly if you have questions. If you know of any potentially interested candidates, please feel free to forward them this e-mail.

Aris Filos-Ratsikas

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