Monday, February 26, 2024

[DMANET] 2 Professorships for network science/graph machine learning at the Center for Critical Computational Studies | C3S

2 Professorships for network science/graph machine learning at the Center for Critical Computational Studies | C3S<>

As an innovation hub of inter- and transdisciplinary exploration, the newly founded Center for Critical Computational Studies | C3S at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, is dedicated to coupling diverse academic fields, encompassing computer sciences, natural and life science, and social sciences, as well as health, economics, law, and the humanities. This unique collaboration aims to define and foster Critical Computational Studies. Its aims are threefold: To deepen our understanding of complex systems through a critical-computational lens; to scrutinize the impact of computational technologies in shaping societal realities; and to craft strategies for the responsible design and utilization of these technologies, emphasizing sustainability, trustworthiness, and justifiability.

In line with this ambitious vision, C3S invites applications for an explorative workshop from talented and visionary researchers who are keen to contribute to this venture. Ideal candidates possess a robust academic background, high-profile publications, a track record of cross-disciplinary collaborations, and a profound interest in the intersection of technological and normative approaches. Goethe University offers a stimulating academic environment, comprehensive support, and ample opportunities for research, teaching and transfer. Applicants will find in C3S a platform to not only advance their research but also to influence the future trajectory of Critical Computational Studies. They will join a vibrant community of scholars committed to making a tangible impact in both academic circles and broader society.

All information here:

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Thilo Körkel
+49 172 8711567


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