Tuesday, February 27, 2024

[DMANET] Two PhD positions on Rigorous Algorithms for AI in Automation at TU Delft

Do you want to make an impact in algorithms that formally guarantee reliability of AI in deployment?      
When deploying AI, the real world is often different from simulations. To make AI more rigorous, we are looking for two PhD researchers to work on novel methods for verifying when AI adaptation is necessary, and for resolving violations in a human-interpretable way. You will conduct both theoretical and empirical research at the intersection of logic, optimization, and machine learning for control, monitoring, and interpretability. Both PhD projects are inspired by real-world deployment of AI, with one leaning towards advancing theory and the other to be done in close collaboration with domain experts from the Netherlands Railways (NS), leading to significant scientific as well as practical impact.
You will be part of the Algorithmics Group in the Department of Software Technology of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. You will work in a dynamic and diverse environment of other PhD and postdoc researchers excited about making theoretical and algorithmic contributions in intelligent decision making.
You will be supervised by Dr. Anna Lukina (https://annalukina.com/) and Prof.Dr. Matthijs Spaan ( https://www.st.ewi.tudelft.nl/mtjspaan/) or Prof.Dr. Mathijs de Weerdt (http://www.alg.ewi.tudelft.nl/weerdt/), depending on the project.
To be the successful candidate, you should:

* have a Master's degree in mathematics and computer science,
* have firm foundations in mathematics/logic/formal methods as well as algorithm design, optimization and implementation,
* experience in visualization/illustration/design is a plus,
* have strong programming skills,
* be proficient in written and spoken English.
Are you interested in this vacancy? Please apply before March 29, 2024: https://www.tudelft.nl/over-tu-delft/werken-bij-tu-delft/vacatures/details?jobId=16571&jobTitle=PhD%20Position%20Rigorous%20Algorithms%20for%20AI%20in%20Automation%20

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