Monday, September 23, 2024

[DMANET] CloudAM 2024 - Hard deadline extension

13th International Workshop on Cloud and Edge Computing, and Applications Management (CloudAM 2024)
In conjunction with the 17th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2024)
16-19 December 2024
Sharjah, UAE

### Background ###
Cloud computing, virtualization and virtualized (eScience) applications have been generating substantial interest in the community for more than a decade, and this interest enabled the development of several architectures, techniques, and mechanisms for cloud and edge computing. With the actual deployment of edge computing infrastructures, exemplified with Fog Computing and Mobile Cloud Computing, the interest in these developments is currently still prominent. Cloud and edge infrastructures can work together to fulfill requirements from a variety of applications, composing the so-called Cloud Continuum to the edge. Clouds must provide appropriate levels of performance to large groups of diverse users, and those clouds are accessed through virtualized wide area networks, where edge/fog devices can act as a first layer of computing capacity closer to the user. Management systems are essential for that and thereby for the future success of the fog-cloud hierarchy. New systems, methods, and approaches for cloud and edge computing, virtualization and (eScience) applications management are to be discussed at this workshop.

Overall topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Cloud and fog computing environments
- Cloud and fog service orchestration
- Cloud and fog APIs
- Cloud and fog data management
- Cloud and fog scalable monitoring
- Cloud and fog load balancing
- Multi-cloud/Inter-clouds
- Customer cloud management
- Managing data centers
- Management as a service
- Management of virtual slices
- *aaS Management
- Cloud and fog scheduling
- Hybrid clouds
- Fog and Edge computing
- Cloud surveys and taxonomies
- Social clouds
- Business models for cloud and fog computing
- Managing cloud services
- Management of virtualized hardware resources
- Network-specific mechanisms for optimized cloud access
- Performance modeling & evaluation
- QoS/QoE management in the cloud
- Security and privacy in the cloud-edge hierarchy
- Management tools for infrastructure virtualization
- Automated resource slicing
- Policy-driven service/resource life-cycle management
- Applications and services enabled by virtualized infrastructure
- Optimization of data center and workload energy consumption
- Green cloud computing
- Scientific workflows on clouds
- Mobile clouds and mobile edge computing
- Big data / complex event processing in the cloud-edge hierarchy
- Autonomic cloud computing
- Cloud Continuum - IoT/Smart Cities integration

Important Dates
Paper submission due: 27 September, 2024 (Extended, hard deadline)
Notification to authors: 10 October, 2024
Camera-ready papers due: 20 October, 2024
Workshop date: 16-19 December 2024

Submission Guidelines
The CloudAM workshop invites authors to submit original and unpublished work. Manuscripts are submitted in PDF format and may not exceed should not exceed 6 pages single-spaced double-column, using IEEE format. Additional pages might be purchased upon the approval of the proceedings chair.

Submission Link on Easychair:

Submission is double-blind. This means that author information shouldn't be indicated in any part of the submission including acknowledgements, citations, discussion of related work, etc.that would make the authorship apparent. Submissions containing author identifying information may be subject to rejection without review.

Submission requires the willingness of at least one of the authors to register as author, non-student rate and present the paper in person.

At least one author of each paper must be registered for the conference for the paper to be published in the proceedings. The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE and made available online via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and ACM Digital Library.

Please check the CloudAM website for updated information:

Abderrahmane Maaradji, UDST, Qatar
Adel Serhani, Sharjah University, UAE
Amel Benna, CERIST, Algeria
Andrey Brito, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
Antonio Brogi, University of Pisa, Italy
Ashiq Anjum, University of Leicester, UK
Agustin Caminero, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Spain
Brij Gupta, NIT Kurukshetra, India
Claudio Geyer, Federal Univeristy of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Felix Freitag, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Fabio Costa, Federal University of Goias, Brazil
Gabriel G. Castañé, University College Cork, UK
Gleb Radchenko, South Ural State University, Russia
Helio Guardia, Federal University of São Carlo, Brazil
Ioan Petri, Cardiff University, UK
Ivan Rodero, University of Utah, USA
Jose Bañares, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Jeremy Mechouche, Devoteam, France
Laurent Lefevre, INRIA, France
Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Marco Netto, Microsoft, USA
Michael Bauer, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Mohamed Sellami, Telecom-Sud Paris, France
Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK
Pedro Valderas, UPV, Spain
Roberto Rodrigues Filho, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Vladimir Vlassov, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Yacine Challal, UDST, Qatar
Wilson Akio Higashino, Google, USA

Carlo Puliafito - University of Pisa, Italy
Luiz Bittencourt - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
Zakaria Maamar - University of Doha for Science and Technology, Qatar

Bruno Schulze - LNCC, BR
Rafael Tolosana-Calasanz - UNIZAR, ES

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