Friday, September 20, 2024

[DMANET] Post-doc position at the University of Malaga on Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering

[Apologies for cross-posting]

We are looking to fill a postdoctoral position to do research in artifical intelligence applied to software engineering (with a strong component of mining software repositories).

Online job posting (in Spanish):
Deadline: 26 sept 2024
Duration: 2 years full-time (4 months trial period)
Salary: 2699€ / month (gross)
Location: University of Málaga, Spain
Project: SOFIA (

Main Requirements:

- Advanced programming skills in Python and Java.
- Experience with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science and Optimization Algorithms.
- Proficiency in English

Job Description:

The successful applicant will develop novel algorithms to mine software repositories and perform data science analyses in them to identify valuable insights over the software development process of professional industrial software developers. The postdoc is also expected to develop novel techniques using artificial intelligence to leverage such insights to improve the productivity of software developers.

We will be particularly focused in improving the process of continuous integration and continuous delivery, but we will also focus on refactoring, automated program repair, test suite generation and optimization.

In more detail, the position will involve:
- Industrial analysis of code refacotring and automatic naming of variables, methods, and classes.
- Design and development of a software tool for automatic program repair.
- Work in current challenges in automatic test case generation.
- Design of techniques to automate test generation to complement existing test suites.
- Development of algorithms to reduce test suites for efficient regression testing.
- Designing a machine learning model to develop a recommendation engine for continuous integration and delivery of software artifacts.
- Developing an AI algorithm to automatically generate infrastructure.
- Identify opportunities for improvement and common technological contexts in development processes.
- Develop an AI algorithm for adapting and fixing UI code.
- Integrating the AI algorithms in a web app.

For questions, please contact Gabriel Luque (, Francisco Chicano ( or Francisco Servant (

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