Monday, January 17, 2022

[DMANET] Connecticut College Tenure-Track Position

Connecticut College invites applications for a tenure-track position at the
rank of Assistant Professor to begin in Fall 2022. We seek a new member to
join our department whose research focuses on various aspects of data
science and related fields in Computer Science. Research of interest
includes, but is not limited to, data analytics, intelligent cloud, big
data, data mining, and machine learning. Candidates should have completed a
Ph.D. in Computer Science or related field by the time of the appointment,
have an active research program in one or more of our areas of interest, a
strong commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching and to the
mission of the College, and the potential to conduct research in a liberal
arts setting.

For more info see our job posting

Christine Chung, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science | Connecticut College |

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