Tuesday, January 18, 2022

[DMANET] Second Call for Contributions for WG2022

[ Sorry if you have received multiple copies of this announcement. ]

Call for Contributions

We invite authors to submit papers describing original research of
theoretical or practical significance to the 48th International Workshop on
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG2022). The WG2022 conference
is the 48th edition of the WG series and will take place from Wednesday
22nd June to Friday 24th June 2022 in Tuebingen, Germany.


Given the current status of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, we currently
aim at having an in-person workshop. The meeting will be held in accordance
with all the local regulations and recommendations that will be in place at
that time. There might be an upper bound on the number of accepted
in-person participants, and in such a case priority will be given to paper
authors and presenters. As we understand that it might still be difficult
for some authors to travel due to various restrictions, we will guarantee
the possibility of giving an online talk and all talks will be streamed.
Any update or change in the workshop format will be published on the
conference website and promptly announced.

Aims and Scope

WG conferences aim to connect theory and applications by demonstrating how
graph-theoretic concepts can be applied in various areas of computer
science. The goal is to present recent results and to identify and explore
directions for future research. Submitted papers should describe original
results in any aspects of graph theory related to computer science,
including but not restricted to:

- design and analysis of sequential, parallel, randomized, parameterized,
and distributed graph and network algorithms,
- structural graph theory with algorithmic or complexity applications,
- computational complexity of graph and network problems,
- graph grammars, graph rewriting systems and graph modelling,
- graph drawing and layouts,
- computational geometry,
- computational biology,
- random graphs and models of the web and scale-free networks, and support
of these concepts by suitable implementations and applications.

Submissions And Proceedings

Contributors are invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 12 pages
Springer LNCS format (www.springer.com/lncs) including title and abstract,
but excluding references. Proofs omitted due to space restrictions must be
placed in an appendix, to be read by program committee members at their
discretion. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to
another journal or conference. Accepted contributions will be published in
the conference post-proceedings in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(ARCoSS/LNCS) series of Springer-Verlag.

The submission server is: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wg2022


WG 2022 will offer awards for the best paper and the best student paper.
The awards will be decided by the program committee. The committee can
decide to split the awards over multiple papers, or not to offer an award.
Papers eligible for the best student paper can have non-student co-authors,
but the main work in a paper that is a candidate for the best student paper
award must be done by co-authors that were students at the time of
submission, and the award can be received only by such co-authors. It must
be indicated at the time of submission whether a paper is a candidate for
this award.

Important dates

- Abstract submission deadline: February 14, 2022
- Paper submission deadline: February 22, 2022
- Notification of paper acceptance: April 22, 2022
- Symposium: June 22-24, 2022
- Final versions due: July 11, 2022

Program Committee

- Cristina Bazgan, Universite Paris-Dauphine, France.
- Michael Bekos, Universität Tübingen, Germany / University of Ioannina,
Greece (co-chair).
- Fedor Fomin, University of Bergen, Norway.
- Cyril Gavoille, University of Bordeaux, France.
- Carla Groenland, Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
- Michael Hoffmann, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
- Michael Kaufmann, Universität Tübingen, Germany (co-chair).
- Philipp Kindermann, Universität Trier, Germany.
- Linda Kleist, TU Braunschweig, Gernamy.
- Tereza Klimošová, Charles University, Czech Republic.
- Piotr Micek, Jagiellonian University, Poland.
- Martin Milanič, University of Primorska, Slovenia.
- Debajyoti Mondal, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
- Fabrizio Montecchiani, University of Perugia, Italy.
- Rolf Niedermeier, TU Berlin, Germany.
- Yota Otachi, Nagoya University, Japan.
- Sang-il Oum, Institute for Basic Science (IBS) / KAIST, South Korea.
- Charis Papadopoulos, University of Ioannina, Greece.
- Dömötör Pálvölgyi, ELTE, Hungary.
- Dieter Rautenbach, University of Ulm, Germany.
- Bernard Ries, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Ignasi Sau, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, CNRS, France.
- Lena Schlipf, Universität Tübingen, Germany.
- Melanie Schmidt, Universität zu Köln, Germany.
- Dimitrios Thilikos, LIRMM, Université de Montpellier, CNRS, France.
- Meirav Zehavi, Ben-Gurion University, Israel.

Invited Speakers

- Bettina Speckmann, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.
- Torsten Ueckerdt, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany.

Organizing Committee

- Michael A. Bekos (co-chair), Universität Tübingen
- Henry Förster, Universität Tübingen
- Renate Hallmayer, Universität Tübingen
- Michael Kaufmann (co-chair), Universität Tübingen
- Axel Kuckuk, Universität Tübingen
- Maximilian Pfister, Universität Tübingen
- Lena Schlipf, Universität Tübingen

* Contributions to be spread via DMANET are submitted to
* DMANET@zpr.uni-koeln.de
* Replies to a message carried on DMANET should NOT be
* addressed to DMANET but to the original sender. The
* original sender, however, is invited to prepare an
* update of the replies received and to communicate it
* via DMANET.
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