Thursday, January 13, 2022

[DMANET] PhD Position in Discrete Optimization at TU Braunschweig

PhD-Researcher (m/f/d) Position in Discrete Optimization
Temporary Position (3 years), Salary Level EG 13 TV-L, 100%

The successful applicant will work in the Junior Research Group "Overall
System Evaluation" with Dr. Imke Joormann. The group consists of
scientists from mathematics and economics and is backed by the Institute
of Automotive Management and Industrial Production in close
collaboration with the Institute for Mathematical Optimization. As part
of the project HyNeat, an interdisciplinary team from hydrogen and
energy systems engineering, economics and business administration, and
mathematics will explore hydrogen supply networks' evolution.

The entry date is as soon as possible, and the duration is initially
limited to three years. Applicants are expected to have a completed
scientific higher education (master, university diploma) in Mathematics
(or a closely related field) and solid knowledge in the area of Discrete
Optimization. For full consideration, please apply before *February 13,

Further information can be found here:

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