Wednesday, December 14, 2022

[DMANET] Multiple Research Fellow and Postdoctoral Fellow Positions in Helsinki, Finland

The Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT) invites applications for HIIT Research Fellow and HIIT Postdoctoral Fellow positions. HIIT is a joint initiative of Aalto University and University of Helsinki with five core focus areas. The foundations of computing focus area of HIIT integrates a broad range of foundational expertise spanning multiple areas of algorithmics, cryptography, logic, and quantum computing. We welcome applicants working in all areas of theoretical computer science, broadly interpreted, including e.g. algorithmics and algorithm engineering, computability and computational complexity, computational logic, optimization, cryptography, computational geometry, natural computation, and foundations of distributed, parallel, and quantum computing.

Position Summary:

HIIT provides funding for two types of researchers: Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Fellows. These positions are meant to support the career development of excellent researchers who plan a career as a scientist. For more details and a list of potential supervisors visit

For further information regarding the positions, contact the HIIT coordinator at


The candidate must have a PhD at the time of application. If you do not have a PhD at the time of the application, you must have a plan for completion detailed in your cover letter. Candidates should have an excellent track record in scientific research with publications that are relevant to the position. A good command of both spoken and written English is essential.


We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment for people from diverse backgrounds. Researchers from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.

The application deadline is January 8th, 2023 at 11:59 PM (23:59 UTC+02:00). You can apply via

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