at IMT Atlantique:
IMT Atlantique <>, internationally
recognized for the quality of its research, is a leading French
engineering school (Technological University) under the supervision of
the Ministry of Industry and Digital Technology, ranked in the three
main international rankings (THE, SHANGHAI, QS).
IMT Atlantique has privileged relationships with major national and
international industrial partners, as well as with a dense network of
SMEs, start-ups and innovation networks. With 290 permanent professors,
2000 students including 300 PhD students, IMT Atlantique produces 1000
publications each year and raises 18M€ in research funds.
The position is located on the Nantes campus within the Automation,
Production and Computer Science Department, the modelis team of the
Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N, UMR CNRS 6004).
The modelis team designs optimization and decision support models and
algorithms with numerous applications in production systems, logistics
and transportation, as well as health care and human services.
Many research results of the team were awarded internationally. The
team coordinates or participates in several European and French National
Research Agency (ANR) project.
Job requirements
*_Expected competencies _*
The skills required and expected of candidates for the position of
Senior Lecturer at IMT Atlantique can be consulted at the following address
In the case of this position, a particular and complementary emphasis
will be put on the skills of the candidates in industrial engineering
and operations research in relation to the industry of the future and in
particular to the sustainability dimension in the production and
distribution systems of goods and services.
*Deadline for applications: March 31st, 2023, 11:59 pm Paris time*
*Date of the recruitment interview: May 2023*
*Starting date: 2nd semester 2023*
Alexandre Dolgui, Dr.habil., Ph.D., IISE Fellow,
Professor and Head
Automation, Production and Computer Sciences Dept.
IMT Atlantique, LS2N-CNRS
La Chantrerie, 4, rue Alfred Kastler - B.P. 20722
F-44307 NANTES Cedex 3, France
International Journal of Production Research
New Book: Supply Network Dynamics and Control
The 60th Anniversary of IJPR was celebrated at the
10th IFAC MIM conference, June 22 to 24, 2022, Nantes, France (with 767 attendees)
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